December 29, 2010

Happy New Year

Starting to get my programming up-to-snuff, expect more posts down the road. At the moment, take a vacation and enjoy the start of the NEW YEAR!!!

December 5, 2010


I'm seeing too many depressed friends around me. I'll finish up my initial pen and paper prototype of PD but after that I need to start writing. Not for me or you. For them.

Hope you understand

November 30, 2010


Just to show you I AM working, this might even be the game icon. :D

Oh coffee

Just got back from my local coffee shop to work out some details on Planetary Defense such as ship icon design, paper prototyping board size, turn layout and a bit more.

Starting today I will be setting this as my official website for both my work and development of PD. That said, people will be able to follow me on Twitter, here:, if you so wish. So now onto the nitty gritty details on the development of PD.

So far my learning of C# has been coming along slowly due to work and job hunting but I aim to be able to get a working prototype out by the end of next summer for the PC with mouse, keyboard, and 360 controller support. At that point I don't know if I'll make the jump from turn based to real time, but I'll wait to make that decision for later.

Until I can get my C# programming up-to-snuff, I'll be working on a paper prototype that will utilize a Go board for play. Right now I'm gonna start working on the .png icons to print and will post copies of the rules and said icons for your own enjoyment, free of charge ;D

Anyways, keep your eyes open in the next week or so because I would like to be able to show off the prototype at Indie City Games next meeting on the 11th for feedback and maybe some programming help.

Until next time!

November 25, 2010


Ok so I lied, I'm making this blog to a) keep everyone updated as to my game development goings-on b) use this blog as a way to keep in contact with my community around these games. That said, here's an intro!

My name is Jesper "the9thdude" Stelter-Hogh, age 19; I am currently an aspiring game designer living in the Midwestern US and trying to get into one of two schools for next Spring or Fall of 2011. I grew up with a GameBoy in my hand and was simply entranced by the "hardcore" titles such as the Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening and Metroid II. During the early 00's I noticed that handheld gameplay was simply going south and that true hardcore titles seemed to be dying off. So with a bit of inspiration, I hope to one day design retro-GameBoy games and make them as my living.

The project I am working on is called Planetary Defense, which is an RTS which I drew heavily upon an older game, Missile Command for some inspiration. This is my first real project of any scope and I have minimal programming knowledge, but my goal is to learn C# to release the game for Windows Phone 7 platforms as a way for me to start multiplatform development.

I hope you all stick around, in my next post, I'll post some concept sketches for Planetary Defense and explain what the basic gameplay is. Unitl then, later!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just would like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and would like to thank my first readers for reading this post. Stick around for updates on my first game for Windows Phone called Planetary Defence!